I study the psychology of morality: how people decide what is right and wrong and who is good and bad, why people are motivated to do good and sometimes fail, and why people agree and disagree over moral matters.

See a 7-minute overview of moral dilemma research: Moral Saurus 4: Trolley dilemmas and who’s for lunch?

Check out the Moral Balancing Manylabs Project https://moralbalancing.weebly.com/

See my 40-minute podcast: Corruption Talks! Podcast: Paul Conway Exploring Morality

See a 3-minute video for the public: Does Pandemic Triage Undermine Trust in the Medical System? How People View COVID-19 Sacrificial Decisions

See my recent post on the Brains Blog: What Do Moral Dilemmas Tell Us?

See a 50-minute podcast: Dr. Paul Conway: Moral Psychology & Sacrifice | FORTE

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